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If you are reading this page, chances are that you’re probably wondering who we are and where do we come from. Well, we’ll certainly introduce ourselves. But for now, this has to wait; because we believe it won’t be just right to jump into our introductions straight away. In fact, the question that should really matter now is what made you visit this website.

The Mission

We just want to test everything. We try to find out how to make the best use of a particular product. In our ventures, we have also tried to figure out ways of making things work. Whenever we wanted to achieve some goal, first we used to search for a solution on the one place everybody looks for – the Internet. Yeah, sometimes we did find solution there, but at other times when we didn’t, we tried our own ways to find a suitable alternative. And if we were lucky enough, a solution would be discovered.

At that point of time, the one thought that crossed our minds was that if we had found this solution on the Internet, we could have saved some valuable time and perhaps so would a lot of other people around the world.

This is a technology blog that covers 7 different areas in technology – Mobile, Cloud, Apps, Social Media, Tips & Tricks, Technology News and Webdev – and gives you self-explanatory how to articles on related topics. Aims to deliver organized and detailed contents that are useful for our readers. Many a times, the solution to a particular problem may be available in several parts across the Internet; this website tries to provide a one stop solution so that readers won’t have to look anywhere else.

We encourage people to share their knowledge on the Internet. If you know a solution to a particular problem which is not available on the Internet, we want you to publish it online so that others may also know. We welcome newcomers to the blogosphere. If you want to write on our blog as a guest author, get in touch with contact us.

We want an Internet where there is enough information to offer suitable solutions for every problem in the world – for free. Help us to contribute more to this huge community. Together, we can make the Internet a better place.

And now let us introduce ourselves. We are right now just a two member team maintaining the website along with some essential contribution of a few of our close friends. 

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